Over View
AS-9U Drill
Basic , Fundamentals
Skating:Edge control
Puck control:Puck control
Small area:Individual Tactics(offense ⇄ defense)
Passing and Receiving:Stationery Pass and Receiving
Shooting:Clean shot
AS - 9U Edge control 1-2
AS - 9U 8cones Handling Drills 2
AS - 9U Square Passing 1-2
Coach Quarterback 2v2
AS - 9U Lateral pass and shoot
Rebounds and Lateral Movement (W2)
Side Rebounds (C2,W2)
1. Skating Drill
C cut forward & backward
C cut forward Butterfly & backward
Diamond Skating
Lateral Pass T-Push Across
Lateral Pass T-Push Across and Rebound(2-aの発展)